WEIGHT: 48 kg
Bust: 2
1 HOUR:250$
NIGHT: +50$
Services: Bondage, Toys, Ass licking, Cross Dressing, Massage
It is unclear to what extent the AMFm model will translate into wide scale availability and price reductions in ACT, particularly for rural, remote areas where disparities in access to medicines often exist. This study is the first to rigorously examine the availability and price of subsidized ACT during the first year of the AMFm, measured through retail audits in remote regions of Tanzania.
Temporal and spatial variation in ACT availability and pricing were explored. A composite measure of ADDO remoteness, using variables, such as distance to suppliers and towns, altitude and population density, was used to explore whether ACT availability and price vary systematically with remoteness.
Availability was widespread, though diffusion throughout the region was achieved more quickly in Mtwara. No significant relationship was found between ACT availability and remoteness. Average prices fell from TZS 1. Conclusions The AMFm led to large increases in availability of low priced ACT in Tanzania, with no significant variation in availability based on remoteness.
Availability did remain lower and prices remained higher in Rukwa, which is a more remote region overall. Low availability of child and adolescent ACT doses could be due in part to lower quantities of non-adult packs imported into Tanzania. Future research will explore whether increased availability and affordability persists and whether it translates into higher ACT use in Tanzania.
Identifier Malaria Journal. Advanced search Previous page Find:. Abstract Abstract Background The Affordable Medicines Facility for malaria AMFm is a pilot supra-national subsidy program that aims to increase access and affordability of artemisinin combination therapy ACT in public sector clinics and private retail shops.